An art exhibition is traditionally the space where art objects meet an audience. The exhibit is universally understood to be for a temporary period, IGA Galleria takes this opportunity to curate their shows in a way that creates long-lasting memories for their viewers as well as an experience for the participants to be a part of a well planned show of highest professional caliber. Read More

IGA Galleria aims to be in the minds of their clients at all times when 'art' is the topic of discussion. Providing tailor-made solutions for an array of services best suited for the interest of the client. An efficient and dedicated team offers personalised solution to individuals, corporate houses, galleries, art dealers, architects and interior designers. Read More
With a vision of enhancing artists' career, IGA has developed unique tools that make portfolio design, content creation, marketing, and PR assistance available to artists at the click of a button, catering to individual requirements and objectives of artists. Read More